Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 13 & 14 – US & Mexico

Day 14 started early and I was in Mexico all of 20 minutes! J

Here is how it played out – hit the border at  6 am and had a nice friendly chat with US Border guys wanted to know where I was going etc. Now they were real friendly why is it that the same guys at the Canadian US border are unpleasant to say the least!?

Then came the Mexico side of things – the difference in a distance of 10 meters is amazing it’s like stepping through a time warp – from clean and organized to squalid and disorganized. The guys were friendly and I got to test my Spanish – no one spoke any English. After a lot of arm waving I got the message that I would have to make a 400 dollars security deposit for the vehicle which I would get back when I leave Mexico – I was aware of the deposit – the issue was that my credit or debit card did not work and the only option was to give them 475 (including processing fees) in US dollars cash! No other currency accepted. That would have cleaned out my dollar buffer in case of a emergency so I took a u –turn and headed back to Douglas, Arizona to stock up on some cash!

....while driving around New Mexico I passed through a town called ‘Truth or Consequences’ – look it up!

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