Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 1, 2 & 3 – Bolivia

Finally, I cross the border to one of my prime destinations (the other being Patagonia) – the pathfinder was the only vehicle at the border crossing of Yunguyu but then a busload of Germans showed up – apparently central and south America are popular destinations with Germans have been running into them frequently

Immigration was a breeze – and then I got to Aduana/customs for my temporary vehicle permit and there is this guy working on his resume! No kidding – there he is printing out his resume, etc and he just ignores me! This BS goes on for about 30 mins then this guy’s colleague shows up – and the resume wanker scrambles to hide the evidence! Bloody hilarious

Lake Titicaca is apparently the highest navigable lake in the world – part of it is in Peru but the better part is in Bolivia – great drive along the shore to La Paz – even the sea to sky highway would take a bow!

Then came the surprise – I knew I had to cross a body of water but presumed (presumption - the mother of all screw-up’s) that there would be some sort of bridge I would drive across? I actually took a snap of the crossing without realizing it was 'the' crossing!?

I turn a corner and literally the road runs out and there is this guy on a raft waving me on board!

I had momentum on my side so I rolled on to what can best be described as a wooden raft with a barge pole!

Being a nautical man - I got out of the Pathfinder and went looking for an engine - the good news - it had one the bad news it was 25 hp outboard - Transport Canada would be jumping around biting each other!

But, TISA (This is South America) as long as it floats and moves - it’s all good!

Day 2 was a long drive to my jump off point of Potosi - from there I head to the Salar De Uyuni!

Since Peru, I have been seeing these black dogs at regular intervals along the highway - they are not sheep dogs as there are no sheep around - they just sit on the side of the highway watching you drive past and they certainly do not look friendly - the pit stop will have to wait!

I had posted a pic under Side Roads a few months back - here it is again - weird!!


  1. Why is it that the dog reminds me of Stephen King's novels? :D
