Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 27, 28 & 29 – Mexico (return)

OK, here is some Mexico trivia –
  • Mexico introduced chocolate, corn and chillies to the world!
  • One of the largest windmill farms is located in Mexico - thousands of windmills in 140 square miles! BTW each blade is the length of a airliner wingspan (lots of smog and wrong time of the day for photography - but to give an image) 

  • The most popular car brand is VW and the most popular car VW Jetta
  • Mile for mile - Mexico has the most expensive highway system in the world – I should know!
Now a story on my number plates – in Mexico most people think the vehicle and I are from Colombia – guess they just ignore the British side of things J

Have passed one vehicle with BC plates in the mountains – resulted in a lot of arm waving and honking – god I love families in mini-vans as long as they are in Mexico!

After 3 days of driving and at time retracing my route I get to a small chaotic town and not a hotel worth the name in sight – my rule in this situation is to just keep driving in the direction I  am going and sooner or later I find something and this time guess what I found!

Now, these places are very hush hush – one drives in and faces a metal barrier and a one way glass window - all transactions are similar to a drive by ATM – communication is via intercom. Perfect for a clandestine encounter and then I show up – “Hello! Is anyone in there!!??” They must have taken me for quite the wanker! J

After some confused Spanish behind the one way glass – the manager walks out and we had the good old chat – he showed me how things worked and well I did not have the love but did have an auto so I was welcome!

It’s amazing how clean this place is – better then the so called motels in the US or in Canada

It’s like a drive in garage - you drive in and close the shutter behind you and then open a door and walk into a very clean suite with very confusing horizontal ‘S’ shaped seating with guidelines and a menu that is best left to the imagination – other than that it could be just another home in the suburbs! J


  1. Cheers! Excellent sound proofing as well!

  2. "very confusing horizontal ‘S’ shaped seating" --> It's just confusing because you are alone... if you were with a gorgeous company... I am quite suyre you would figure out what the seating is for... ;)
