Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 30 & 31 - Mexico (return)

And yes the night was very peaceful!

....and I am back in the desert again 

Now on the most dangerous area in the Americas (Ciudad Juarez)! Here I was all geared up – checking for IEDs (kidding) but hey at the very least I expected a heavy military presence – but, not a sausage in sight!!??

Either the news is old/propaganda or the Mexican security forces did not get the memo?

I think that they have been fighting a losing war against the cartels – so they made a deal – we will go away and spend time in fancy hotels (and harass the wayward Canadian tourist) and you stop killing each other and get on with the traditional family business of cocaine transportation! Live and let live so to speak!

Amazing, did not see a single soldier or cop (everywhere else in Mexico they are all over the place) – on the other hand, to give them the benefit of the doubt – maybe they just had great camouflage!

Finally, cross back into US at El Paso, Texas


  1. Looks amazing! I like the comment you giving the benefit of the doubt! You were being watched by the blades of tall grass!

  2. I thought you were already in Guatemala?!
